Monday, April 4, 2011

General Conference

I was so excited to work with my kids during General Conference and was determined to be able to listen to the talks and walk away with some spiritual uplift.  So what did we do?
I had found booklets for each of my kids and even passed some out to our Primary kids.  My kids are almost four and almost two.  Next month is their birthdays.  So, the coloring lasted about half an hour.  Then I brought out the next activity.  Which I found at this site.


It was perfect because my husband loves his sugar also.  I could not buy any chocolates because my daughter is so allergic to milk.  But I think they would have lasted more then they did.  I think next time I will go with snack time treats.  I think due to all the sugar they only lasted one hour and then went flying around the house for the last half hour.  LOL!

So here is my less expensive, simple version.

Needless to say, we used the words Jesus, Prophet, Love, and Temple.  We decided the gummies in "Love" were gross and dumped it.  We replaced it with more life savers.

My daughter loved this game so much she would say, "Mom! He said, 'family'."  But I had to sadly remind her what our words are.  Some times we wanted a candy and kind of cheated.  For example, Jesus, they said Savior or Christ, we would count that as a candy from the "Jesus" bowl.
I am totally going to use this every conference.

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