Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I have seen so many people make these Halloween wreaths.  No one here does wreaths except for Christmas.  Who ever heard of a Halloween wreath.  Well, now that I have, I wanted to try it out.  They are so fun and I have seen cute ones, pretty ones, and scary ones.  So here is my hand at one.
 I had extra eyes that I made from egg cartons.  This picture does not have the red lines on them yet.
 So I took an old rafia wreath that I used once and redecorated it with black tissue (That I had and did not know what to do with black! Till now.) and the eyes.  I had some left over Styrofoam balls and made them into ghosts.  I also made a cat with my cricket and came out with this wreath.
Everyday my family has come home to new decorations around the house.  My daughter loves it.

1 comment:

lunjboys said...

this one is cool. i like it a lot.